This document is not an official reproduction of the standard; refer to the standards issued by AFNOR 

The electrically insulating shoes may or may not include a safety toe-cap and consequently meet the requirements of standards EN ISO 20345 or EN ISO 20347


Dielectric shoes are classified for utilisation on or near following voltages installations:

ElectricalclassMax. nominal AC voltageMax. nominal DC voltage
00 500 V 750 V
0 1, 000 V 1, 500 V

Test procedure:

The boot is filled with metal beads up to a distance (h) from the top of the upper.

The boot is immersed in water up to the same distance (h) from the top of the upper.

The high voltage source is connected to the metal beads inside the boot.The water in the tank around the boot is connected to the ground. 

ClassInsulation distance (h)
00 30
0 40


Type tests (destructive):

Class of shoeAC voltage (Vrms)
00 5, 000
0 10, 000

The AC voltage is applied for three minutesThe test is considered to be satisfactory if there is no perforation

Series-production individual tests: 

Class of shoeTest AC voltage (Vrms)Test current for the boot (mA rms)
00 2, 500 3
0 5, 000 5

Each boot must be tested

The AC voltage is applied for one minute

The test is considered to be satisfactory if the current does not exceed the values indicated in the above table and if the test voltage is maintained.

EN 50321 dielectric test on boots